Friday, August 23, 2024



An Analytical Study on the concept of the Wise (Pandita) in Theravada Buddhist Perspective"' this very name suggests that in this discussion the author has made an attempt to define and interpret the term 'Pandita or wise from the standpoint of various texts which belong to the Thevada Buddhist school. 
This study is divided into five  chapters.  Chapter1 provides the introduction. Chapter 2 is the main part of the study where the meaning of the word wise, the characteristics of a wise person and various types of wise persons have been discussed. Chapter 3 of the study discusses topics related to the wise in Theravada Buddhism. Chapter 4 
discusses the concept of the wise in Thersvada Buddhist perspective and Chapter 5 or the last chapter of the book is about conclusion and suggestions. 
In our daily life we often come across people who are intelligent and we also meet people who are foolish. Naturally one should try to associate with the intelligent and avoid the foolish because in this way we can improve our life. But to do this properly we should learn to distinguish between the intelligent and the foolish. According to one definition a wise person is one who remains equally unmoved while cofronting  admiration or censure. In the words of the Buddha," Just as a solid rock is shaken by the storm, the wise are not affected by praise or blame" ( Selo yatha ekaghano vatena na samirati Evam nindapasamsasu ,na saminjanti pandita).In Buddhist literature a wise person possesses three main characteristics. They are (1) Their thoughts always are always beneficial. (2) They are soft spoken (3) Their actions are always beneficial. So it is very important to remain associated with wise people because they can provide valuable guidance in our problems and can become our role models. Theravada Buddhist literature abounds in reference to wise people namely Mahamangala Sutta. Dhammapada ( Panditavagga), Majjhima Nikaya( Balapandita Sutta), Sunnakathavannana of Saddhammapakasani which is a commentary on the Patisambidhamaagga. The primary objective of this thesis is an indepth study of wisdom which is embodied in the character of a wise person their thought intellect and mental make up. 
Chapter 1 of the study has outlined the three main characteristics of a wise person and in Chapter 2 of the study we come to know that there are three ways in which a wise person feels happiness and joy. In an assembly the wise man maintains and upholds the five precepts which are violated by ordinary human beings and this gives pleasure to a wise person. 
According to the Balapanditasutta of the  Samyuttanikaya a wise person is the one who can resist craving and ignorance because according to the Buddha in order to attain nirvana one has to destroy these two enemies . So the most important ability of wise men and women lies in their abillity to avoid evil. The Mahamangala sutta of the Suttanipata says that the main characteristic of wise men are the follow the rules of basic morality. According to dictionary the term Wise means Pandita which can be interpreted in many ways such as clever, skilled, circumspect etc. Sometimes wise men are also called medhavi  which means intelligent or knowledgable. In our daily life we consider a man to be wise if he has knowledge of general subjects or things and have finished education with a high degree of study. A wise person is generally very considerate and he treats others in the very way he would like to be treated by them. 
In order to attain real wisdom a wise person has to train his mind. From our childhood we are taught by different teachers. The Buddha was a great teacher who was always kind and loving to his students. He taught his students with compassion and sympathy. This kindness of the teacher towards his student is more effective in training them than his knowledge or expertise. The duty of a true teacher towards his students can be divided into five types. Teachers should see that (a) Their pupils are trained in the best discipline. ( b) Their pupil have grasped their lessons well (c) They have been instructed in the arts and sciences (d) Their pupils have been introduced to friends and associates ( e) Their students have been provided with safety in every quarter. 
Mindfulness is a very important characteristic 
of a wise man. A mindful person has the ability to concentrate on the present. Mindfulness teaches a person to have a clear comprehension and clear grasp of the surroundings where he actually finds him in. A wise person must have a clear conception of what he wants to be and how he wants to spend his life. Lord Buddha was the wisest person and his mission was to help every being live a happier life in this world and beyond. A truly wise person should follow the footsteps of the Buddha but he should not impose himself on his followers like a leader. Instead in order to be truly effective as a ruler he should become a part of the team. This kind of attitude will create an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust within the group.  
In many Theravada scriptures we find discussion on the subject of wisdom and wise persons. The fourth chapter of our present study devotes itself to this topic. Once the Buddha said," ... Whether affected by 
happiness or by pain the wise show neither elation nor depression. It is the duty of the wise an to lead their friends and followers to the life of charity, morality, right views and good deeds. In the fifth chapter of the study it has been rightly pointed out by the the 
researcher that the wise man is one who (a) thinks good thoughts, speaks good words and does good deeds ( b) always has a clear understanding and comprehension of man and matters ( c) always exhibits qualities like forgiveness, courage and friendship.

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